Monalisa Bhosle, the 16-year-old girl from Madhya Pradesh, who became an overnight sensation at Maha Kumbh for her striking features and natural beauty, will now be seen in a Hindi movie. She has signed her first movie with director Sanoj Mishra, who visited her family in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh.
According to the latest updates, the film is called The Diary of Manipur and the shooting for the same will begin soon. It was only after a discussion with Mona Lisa’s family that she agreed to do the film. Mishra shared about his visit and his decision to cast her in a social media post as well.
Video credit: Instagram/sanojmishra
Mona Lisa gets her first Bollywood movie
In the video, the director shares how he decided to cast a poor and simple girl from his upcoming film instead of the spoiled and debaucherous women from rich families. He further mentioned that Mona Lisa’s family is very humble and kind. According to reports, actor Rajkummar Rao’s elder brother, Amit Rao, will be starring alongside Mona Lisa in the movie. Sanoj Mishra has earlier done movies like The Diary Of West Bengal.
People are jubilant in the comments section of the post. One user remarked, “Super se bhi upar sanoj bhai, great work.” “Very Very nice to go,” a second user commented. “The world may make the rich richer, but our brother Sanoj Mishra creates beautiful stories and discovers talented children from the poorest backgrounds. He finds these children, nurtures their skills, and turns them into actors. For many of them, their dreams remain unfulfilled, and Sanoj Bhai makes every effort to help them achieve those dreams. Sanoj Bhai, bring us a great story, we are with you,” added another user.
Mona Lisa will play the role of the daughter of an Army officer
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Sanoj Mishra shared, “I visited Mona Lisa’s village, Maheshwar, to meet her and her family. They are simple and humble people. I have taken responsibility, I will cast Monalisa in the film The Diary Of Manipur and make her future.” The project has a production budget of Rs 20 crores.
An ecstatic Mona Lisa shared, “Sanoj Mishra came to Prayagraj to meet me and offered me this role. My family and I are happy with the opportunity. I will work very hard for the film.”
According to reports in ETV Bharat, In The Diary Of Manipur, Mona Lisa will portray the daughter of an Army officer. “If everything goes well, Mona Lisa will get the role of an Army officer’s daughter in the film,” said the director. Veteran actor Anupam Kher has been cast as the army officer. Other notable actors like Deepak Tijori, Mukesh Tiwari, and Amit Rao are also part of the film.
Video credit: Instagram/monalisamahakumbh
Who is Mona Lisa?
Mona Lisa’s striking eyes and smile captivated many at the Maha Kumbh Mela. While she had travelled to Prayagraj to sell Kanthi garlands adorned with Rudraksha and precious stones with her family, she became a social media sensation overnight. However, things turned ugly when scores of visitors started hounding her for pictures and interviews and she became worried about her safety. The girl had to return to her hometown.
Lead Image Credit: Instagram/sanojmishra and Instagram/monalisamahakumbh
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