The Chronicles of Narnia trilogy, based on C.S. Lewis’s classic book series, brings the enchanting world of Narnia to life with epic adventures. The movies follow the Pevensie siblings – Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy – who discover a magical wardrobe that is a gateway to Narnia, a mystical land filled with talking animals, mythical creatures, and ancient prophecies. The trilogy is celebrated for its imaginative storytelling, breathtaking visuals, and powerful messages about courage, faith, and the triumph of good over evil.
5. The Lord of the Rings trilogy – Netflix
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a monumental achievement in fantasy filmmaking, based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendary novels. This epic saga takes audiences to the magical world of Middle-earth, where the fate of all lies in the hands of Frodo Baggins, a humble hobbit tasked with destroying the One Ring – a powerful artefact created by the dark lord Sauron. Alongside a fellowship of diverse companions, Frodo embarks on a perilous journey to Mount Doom, where the ring must be destroyed. Filmed in New Zealand, the stunning landscapes bring Tolkien’s world to life – a cinematic triumph that has captivated audiences worldwide and set the standard for epic storytelling. If you like this trilogy, check out the prequels, The Hobbit trilogy.
6. Big Fish – Amazon Prime Video